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【CBT Event】To be a Bug Hunter

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  • IGN: DeathX
    Bug(s) I found: ppl can join and leave guild unlimited ammount of time for the new guild gift(easy easy way to farm star stone and silver) specialy in cbt where we get 20k+gold free daily
    Steps to recreate this bug:leave and create new guild we can do this unlimited ammount of time and get star stone rly cheap
    Screenshots of the bug:
    Last edited by 38571506106612; 09-22-2017, 10:41 PM.


    • IGN: Lavisse
      Server: S1
      Bug: The 10 scrolls are actually 1k not 800.
      Proof: ​ ​


      • IGN: Merudy
        Server: S1/CBT
        Bug: It seems in the faction event a lot of people are stuck in the bottom row and cant get out o.o
        Steps to recreate this bug: click bottom row
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by 46531504827986 View Post
          IGN: Minako
          Server: 1
          Bug(s) I found: Several problems with Faction Wars event.
          -Announcements in the way of the top row also causing major lag, and auto battle doesn't seem to work.
          -Players are getting stuck.
          -Chat box screwing up due to the lag.
          -It is also saying that my character is already in combat yet it is nowhere to be found.
          -The counter at the top is also stuck at 00:00.

          Steps to recreate this bug:
          -Simply play Faction War event.

          Screenshot of the Bug: A screenshot will not express the issues properly. I will send you a video once it's uploaded.

          I reported this last week, but it still hasn't been recorded yet, so I'm bringing it back up again. Same problems I reported before happened again today in the Faction Wars event.

          I sent you a video of it before, but if you need me to send the link again let me know.


          • IGN: ShiningPusy
            Bug(s) I found: Bar Recruit bug
            Steps to recreate this bug: have 900+ of star souls buy shards of elfman but its say you have already this partner. i know but i thought i can buy shards with it.
            Screenshots of the bug:
            Attached Files
            Last edited by martychu; 09-24-2017, 05:24 AM.


            • IGN: Merudy
              Server: S1/CBT
              Bug: I got a friend request from myself. If I try to accept it it says the player is already in my friend list or block list but if i try to decline it says "merudy refused to add you as your friend"
              Steps to recreate: i was just going through my friend list. when i refreshed the name was gone
              Attached Files


              • IGN: MAMAMOO
                Server: 1
                Bug(s) I found: NAME Bug on Main Character's Exclusive
                Steps to recreate this bug: Search for someone who has the SAME character GENDER and ROLE as you and click the "Information" button, hover your mouse to the EXCLUSIVE and it will show your IGN instead of "Gunner 1" or the player's IGN.
                Screenshots of the bug: Click image for larger version

Name:	beta.jpg
Views:	195
Size:	222.0 KB
ID:	89194


                • IGN:MILFHunter
                  Bug(s) I found:can't buy in ex draw shop
                  Screenshots of the bug:
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	182
Size:	563.7 KB
ID:	89199

                  A reported problem.
                  Last edited by applezhou; 09-26-2017, 06:14 AM.


                  • vhy does this black screen appear e.e, i cant complete pandam event ;c

                    A reported problem.
                    Last edited by applezhou; 09-26-2017, 06:13 AM.


                    • IGN: Merudy
                      Server: S1/CBT
                      Bug: So when I logged in I noticed I could use the training ability for my partners, and I noticed all my rank up items were back in my inventory and not being used by my partners. I then figured out I had a message and noticed I got chosen for VIP 6 (Thank you so much! It meant a lot!) I think when you guys updated that it sent a lot of my gear back to my inventory because my partner's armor and weapons also were returned to my inventory only this time the level of everything went back to 0. They were level 46 and I cannot afford to re-enhance it all right now. I believe everything else of mine is as it was, so I'm not quite sure this is truly a bug, I just thought I would bring it to your attention just in case. Thanks again!
                      Steps to recreate: It was just like that when I logged in.

                      Reported problem
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by applezhou; 09-27-2017, 01:34 AM.


                      • Yes Merudy it also happened to me and Amaterasu, it seems all the people that got VIP6 from the VIP event got all their equipment (including artifacts) reseted back to lvl 1 and unrefined. It only affected us that participated in the VIP event.
                        This needs to be fixed ASAP and give us back our equipment the way we had it.

                        Reported problem.
                        Last edited by applezhou; 09-27-2017, 01:35 AM.


                        • IGN: Smiley
                          Server: S1/CBT

                          Bug(s) I found: Upgrading a character to Moon level - sometimes progress still shows as stars instead of moons.

                          Steps to recreate this bug:
                          1. upgrade character past star levels (ie. up until an including at least first level of moons).
                          2. Open up Profile function. The top right shows the progress of the moon levels, however, instead of a yellow moon, it shows a yellow star and greyed out moons.
                          3. Open up Training function. Click on the character that has moon progress to bring up their description box. Next to their Character element, and magic type symbols, it will show a star progress instead of moon.

                          Screenshots of the bug:
                          Attached Files


                          • IGN: Smiley
                            Server: S1/CBT

                            Bug(s) I found: (Maybe bug or not - if not, at least suggestion)
                            Fury rate more than 100 goes to 0 after fury skill is triggered. This renders characters such as Aria's skill that adds fury points to allies useless if his skill occurs when the allies have full fury.

                            Steps to recreate this bug:
                            1. Have a character with a skill that gives allies fury points (such as Aria).
                            2. Go to battles and watch the fury counts.
                            3. In my case, Aria had higher speed than allies, so his fury skill would trigger before the allies. However, the allies would also already be on 100/100 fury. When Aria's skill triggers first, the allies gain 30 fury points, making their fury 130/100. When the allies act out their fury skill, then their fury drops to 0. Is this what is suppose to happen? If so, then this causes Aria's +30 fury to allies to be useless if Aria has higher speed than the allies :/
                            Perhaps consider that only 100 is deducted after a fury skill is triggered? So that those 30 fury points don't get lost and actually makes Aria and similar characters useful?

                            Screenshots of the bug:

                            All my characters have fury 100/100. Aria has higher speed, so his skill tiggers first giving Bickslow 130/100 fury points:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Fury130.png
Views:	279
Size:	932.2 KB
ID:	89286

                            After Bickslow fury skill triggered, his fury points go to 0/100 - rendering Aria's skill that gives 30 fury points to allies as useless.
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Fury0.png
Views:	273
Size:	913.1 KB
ID:	89285


                            • IGN: Smiley
                              Server: S1/CBT

                              Bug(s) I found: EXP dungeon doesn't update condition display between finishing different battles.

                              Steps to recreate this bug:
                              1. Notice condition.
                              2. Do battle and get victory.
                              3. When returned to the list of battles, the next battle shows, with the same condition text displayed.
                              4. Exit.
                              5. Go back into where you select next battle - then only does the condition text displayed update to the actual condition for the next battle.

                              Screenshots of the bug:
                              For the following, please also take note of time and date.

                              Notice condition:
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DungeonConditionUpdate1.png
Views:	277
Size:	1.00 MB
ID:	89289

                              Do battle and get victory:
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DungeonConditionUpdate2.png
Views:	280
Size:	675.2 KB
ID:	89288

                              After battle, notice that the previous condition is still displayed (NOT UPDATED), the next battle is already selectable.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DungeonConditionUpdate3.png
Views:	281
Size:	1,016.6 KB
ID:	89292

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DungeonConditionUpdate4.png
Views:	276
Size:	1.07 MB
ID:	89290

                              Go back in, and see that condition is different/UPDATED to what it should be for next battle:
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DungeonConditionUpdate5.png
Views:	278
Size:	1.00 MB
ID:	89291
                              Last edited by smileyk; 09-28-2017, 03:04 AM.


                              • IGN: Rushyy
                                ​Server: 1
                                ​Bug(s) I found: The Friend List of the market remains empty, yet I can anyway "Buy all"

                                Screenshots of the bug:
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen02.png
Views:	266
Size:	366.9 KB
ID:	89336 Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen03.png
Views:	257
Size:	20.5 KB
ID:	89337
                                Last edited by ruushy; 10-01-2017, 08:17 PM.

